Puppies, puppies, puppies!!!!
Golden Retriever puppies in Michigan

Jezebel had her puppies June 21, 2023!
..... All puppies have been reserved .....

If you're looking for a puppy, please look below 
as I have two friends with puppies available!
NEWS!!!!!    Jezebel had 2 boys & 2 girls!

Jezebel was bred to Jagger  
Jezebel - Edgewater Earthly Pleasures
Jagger - CH Sunnydreams Heartbreaker
All clearances are on the website 


Are you looking for a puppy now?  Please contact the following breeder(s) who either have puppies right now, are expecting puppies soon, or have a girl bred. When you contact either of these breeder(s), please let them know that you were referred to them from my website. If this breeder is not able to help you, please send me an email and I'll see what I can do.
Joyce Byers has a wonderful litter and two boy puppies available who will be going home the end of July 2023.  You can contact her by email at: 

Mary Ann Redman recently had a beautiful litter of Golden puppies and has one girl puppy available.  You can contact her by email at:
Please send me an email at if you would like any breed information or have any questions.
Check out "Photos from Previous Litters" for candid puppy pics at their new homes!  The "Memories" page has added photos of Burnie & Katie. 
Edgewater Goldens is located just north of Battle Creek, Michigan.  All of my Goldens are born and raised in my home.  My first Golden - Ginger - was purchased in 1989 from my good friend, Sue Riippa.  




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